Tekken 8 - General Information
This post contains a brief overview of file prefixes, file name dictionary and character file name initials and other information about Tekken 8.
Submitted at July 28, 2023
Updated at February 17, 2024
General Information
As of July 28th, 2023, Tekken 8 CNT uses Unreal Engine 5.1.1 As of October 10th, 2023, Tekken 8 CBT uses Unreal Engine 5.2.1
Important Paths
- Stages: Content\Stages
- Character Meshes: Content\Character\Item\model\unique
- Sounds: Content\WwiseAudio\Media
Asset Prefixes
- SK – Skeleton Mesh
- SKT – Skeleton
- SM – Static Mesh
- SKB - Skeleton Binary
- PRB - Proportion Binary
- BP – Blueprint
- M – MasterShader
- MI – MaterialInstance
- BI - BaseItem
- BCI - BaseCharacterItem
- CS – CustomizeSet
- CI – CustomizeItem
- ECI - EffectCharacterItem
- OSD - Item Offset Slot Data
- CL - CatwalkClothCollisionAsset
- T – Texture
- MT - Mana (Component) Texture
- RT - Render Target
- DA - Data Asset
- FC - Float Curve
- SKCS - SubColorKeySet
Character Texture Subfixes
- C - (Base) Color
- add_C - Detail (Base) Color
- ID - Material ID / Mask
- N - Normal
- OBD - Opacity (R), B? (G), Dirt Mask (B)
- RMA - Roughness (R), Metallic (G), AO (B)
- add_RMA - Detail Roughness (R), Metallic (G), AO (B)
- TSE - T? (R), Specular (G), Emissive (B)
- PC - Patterns / Decals
- ADI - Alpha (R), Depth (G), I? (B)
Stage Texture Subfixes
- C - (Base) Color
- N - Normal
- U - United / MRA - Metallic (R), Roughness (G), AO (B)
- E - Emissive
Common Item Abbreviatons
- ACC - Accessory
- BDF - Full Body
- BDU - Upper Body
- BTM - Lower Body
- EX? - Extra
- FAC - Face
- FAH - Facial Hair
- GLA - Glasses
- HAR - Hair
- HED - Head
- HEF - Full Head
- SHO - Shoes
Character IDs
- 00 = Paul
- 01 = Marshall Law
- 02 = King
- 03 = Yoshimitsu
- 04 = Howarang
- 05 = Xiaoyu
- 06 = Jin
- 07 = Bryan
- 08 = Kazuya
- 09 = Steve
- 10 = Jack-8
- 11 = Asuka
- 12 = Devil Jin
- 13 = Feng
- 14 = Lili
- 15 = Dragunov
- 16 = Leo
- 17 = Lars
- 18 = Alisa
- 19 = Claudio
- 20 = Shaheen
- 21 = Nina
- 22 = Lee
- 23 = Kuma
- 24 = Panda
- 25 = Zafina
- 26 = Leeroy
- 27 = Jun
- 28 = Reina
- 29 = Azucena
- 30 = Victor
- 31 = Raven
- 32 = Azazel
- 116 = Practice Dummy
- 117 = Angel Jin
- 118 = True Devil Kazuya
- 119 = Jack-7
- 120 = Soldier
Character Abbreviatons
- AML - Jun
- ANT - Jin
- BBN - Raven
- BSN - Steve
- CAT - Azucena
- CCN - Jack-8
- CHT - Bryan
- CML - Yoshimitsu
- CRW - Zafina
- CTR - Claudio
- DEK - Practice Dummy
- DER - Asuka
- GHP - Leo
- GOT - Azazel
- GRF - Paul
- GRL - Kazuya
- HMS - Lili
- HRS - Shaheen
- JLY - Leroy
- KAL - Nina
- KLW - Feng
- KMD - Dragunov
- LON - Victor
- LZD - Lars
- MNT - Alisa
- PGN - King
- PIG - Law
- RAT - Xiayou
- RBT - Kuma
- SNK - Hwoarang
- SWL - Devil Jin
- TTR - Panda
- WLF - Lee
- XXA - Angel Jin
- XXB - True Devil Kazuya
- ZBR - Reina
Stage IDs
- ST01_Arena - Arna
- ST02_NeoCity - Urban Square
- ST03_IslandA - Yakushima
- STG04_Colosseum - Colosseum
- ST05_Hangar - Rebel Hangar
- ST07_FinalBattle - Fallen Destiny
- ST08_Grassland - Battle field in chapter 10 of the story mode
- ST09_SpiritWorld - Descent Into Subconscious
- ST10_Mountains - Sanctum
- ST11_VolcanicBomb - Into The Stratosphere
- ST12_InTheMist - Ortiz Farm
- ST13_River - Celebration On The Seine
- ST14_Garden - Secluded Training Ground
- ST15_Penthouse - Elegant Palace
- ST16_WarZone - Midnight Siege
- ST90_BeachSide - Tekken Ball Beach
- STG99_AssetCheck - Developer Stage