**Download the zip file and extract the contents, refer to the list below for each song. **
LeafGreen/FireRed - Legendary Birds Theme replacing Kuma/Panda (Console Version) / Tekken 3 FILE NAME: gen1birds
LeafGreen/FireRed - Trainer Theme replacing Siga / Tekken Tag Tournament 2 FILE NAME: gen1trainer
LeafGreen/FireRed - Champion Blue/Green Theme replacing Duomo Di Sirio 1st / Tekken 7 FILE NAME: gen1champion
Leaf Green/FireRed - Deoxys Theme replacing Blowin' Up The Enemy / Tekken 6 FILE NAME: gen1deoxys
HeartGold/SoulSilver - Rival Silver Theme replacing Q / Tekken Revolution FILE NAME: gen2rival
HeartGold/Soul Silver - Red Theme replacing Silent Assassin (Cool Headed Mix) / Tekken 2 FILE NAME: gen2red
HeartGold/Soul Silver - Team Rocket Theme replacing Bit Crusher / Tekken 4 FILE NAME: gen2rocket
To install, drag the downloaded .pak file(s) into the "TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Content\Paks\~mods" folder.
If you have any further requests please ask down below; Enjoy.