Master Raven W/ Kazuya's Gi and Special Forces Bikini Mesh

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Uploaded at July 11, 2022 Updated at July 11, 2022 3,107 views 332 downloads

Master Raven W/ Kazuya's Gi and Special Forces Bikini Mesh

This setup looks really good IMO. I replaced the material of the Bikini Top for Raven with the Special Forces upper material and I swapped Raven's Kung Fu bottoms with Kazuya's Dougi (Gi bottoms). As an added effect, I added in the Special Forces upper material on the mesh. The belt and foot protectors can be colored. Do not attempt to color the Bikini Top, your game might crash, since mine did when I tried coloring the top. No need for any neck slice fix mods since I'm referring the original Bikini Top. I also, modified Kazuya's Dougi bottoms so it fits better on Raven, since it's really wide on her body by default.

Let me know what you think about this mod. I can also create a mod that includes the swapped Dougi bottoms, although they look odd on Raven right now when you put certain tops on her (clipping).