Tifa FF7R v2 - Josie Replacement Mod

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Uploaded at February 14, 2021 Updated at November 17, 2021 68,677 views 17,226 downloads

Tifa FF7R v2 - Josie Replacement Mod

Update 11/4/21

Tifa Pack v2! Massive update!

**Reminder: These outfits must be equipped in Customization mode, check the Full Body outfits.


Tifa Character Replacement for Josie

This Mod comes with 5 fully colorable costumes (soon 6)

  • Classic
  • Advent Children
  • Mature Dress
  • Sporty Dress
  • Cowgirl

Tifa Voice Pack Tifa HUD replacments Announcer for Tifa on character select screen

**This mod will work with most of Josie's existing assets including other clothes, accessories, items, etc. Though I can't guarantee all will work.


Tifa_P.pak - Contains the base files for the Tifa mod, this pak file is required Tifa - Josie + UI_P.pak - Replaces Josie's face and outfits with Tifa's, includes UI changes Tifa - Josie Voice Mod_P.pak - Changes Josie's voice to Tifa's Tifa - Josie Announcer Mod_P.pak - Makes the announcer say "Tifa" when Josie is selected in character select

Drag the pak files to steamapps\common\TEKKEN 7\TekkenGame\Content\Paks\~mods. If the ~mods folder doesn't exist then create one.

Known issues:

  • Physics on hair can sometimes be jittery in certain animations, but overall, this is much more rare than before.

Known issues for future releases

  • Hair Physics can sometimes have collision issues for a very brief moment, and get buggy temporarily. I will be adjusting this in future releases.
  • Sleeves on the Kimono have some of the backfaces coming through the front during movement. This was particularly challenging as we do not currently have the ability to use proper cloth simulation. All of the physics on this item are done with UE4 Physics asset tool by hand. I'll be improving this in future releases as well.
  • Hair floats up during Rage Art. I'm not sure why this happens but it seems to be consistent regardless of the physics. It has something to do with the state of the game during Rage Arts only. I'll be researching this to fix in the future.


  • Skin textures completely redone
  • Physics on everything completely overhauled
  • Hair textures completely overhauled, and now colorable
  • Improved textures and weights across all outfits
  • CUSTOM: custom made SOLDIER outfit for Tifa, along with Buster Sword replacing devil's trident
  • Makeup now working, including makeup for Kimono outfit.
  • Fully voiced for Josie using lines from FFVIIR
  • Separated into several paks to pick and choose what features you'd like


Update 5/12/21 - Included Full Voice Replacement mod for Josie, and updated Announcer voice now including Lidia.

Coming Soon!

  • Tifa Exotic Dress. This one is 90% complete. I wanted to release it alongside the rest, but without cloth physics, getting floor length cloth looking good is a feat in and of itself. If cloth simulation is useable soon, this will be released within days after that. Otherwise, I'll still be working to get the physics right and release it in a future update.
  • Custom Stage Music!! I also planned to have this release alongside the stage, but the music isn't in a state I'm comfortable releasing yet. I didn't want to hold up the rest of the release as I know there's a lot already and many people have been eagerly awaiting. Please follow me on Twitter for more updates.

I've put around 500 hours into this over the last month and a half (not exaggerating) and I sincerely hope you all enjoy the mod as much as I did making it.