Programming Socks for Lili

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Uploaded at March 25, 2023 Updated at March 25, 2023 4,739 views 640 downloads

Programming Socks for Lili

The description given by the original modder who wishes to remain anonymous: I've been programming on COBOL for 35+ years and one day I went on Amazon in the hopes of getting new Christmas socks because I am old and I love ugly socks. Y'know, like the socks your grandma would sew, hideous and colourless. That's my style! Haha!

Back when I was working for NASA, me and the boys would gather up after work and show our socks collection. We would show our most ugly, bland and colourless socks It was like a competition of who owns the most soul-less socks, we would call them "programming socks". I'm a sucker for nostalgia and I wanted to re-new my soul-less socks collection, so I went on Amazon and searched for "Programming Socks" in the hopes of buying some good bland socks.

But the results shocked me! These weren't the programming socks I grew to love and wear in the 70s and 80s. These "programming socks" were obscene, colourful and seductive thigh-highs! I could not believe my eyes! What happened to this new generation?! Since when the Linux community floated away from boring professionalism to full-blown socks fashion enthusiasm??? This is what happens when you use Arch Linux everybody!!! I've been warning people of this distribution since the mid 2000s.

So anyway, I ported these socks to my favorite Tekken character: Lili.

Additional Information

Colorable: ✔️ Yes Replaces: Spandex Shorts Spandex Shorts

Definition from Know Your MemeKnow Your Meme:

Programming Socks is a term given to specific types of knee socks and thigh highs which became notable for often being worn by
transgender and non-binary people, as well as crossdressers, who do computer programming for a hobby or profession.

Most commonly, the socks are horizontally striped in pastel colors or colors associated with the LGBTQ+ community.
The trope led to the rise in popularity of similar jokes such as cross-dressing during programming to improve one's coding skills.
