Armor King - Tekken 8 Concept Moveset Mod

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Armor King - Tekken 8 Concept Moveset Mod


This moveset mod was to create an as close as possible Armor King mod to resemble his possible Tekken 8 self! This is in testing and there's PLENTY of things not fully completed, the new Tekken 8 spins do not have flags yet, meaning you can technically infinite spin, if you're doing a combo video featuring these, please do not exploit this. The hit reaction for the new b4 heat engager launcher can only be activated after you go into heat with Armor King (via pressing 2+3)

In order to use this mod, you must have Kilorte's Tekken Moveset Extractor you can download it from here :

This mod DOES NOT work like the typical mods where you drop it into the mods folder. In order to use this mod be sure to get the moveset extractor and dump the files properly into the extracted_chars folder. You must go into \Downloads\TekkenMovesetExtractor\TekkenMovesetExtractor\extracted_chars\ and unzip the folder in there! Once finished, and you're on the moveset mod interface, you'll have to update the character list. The name t8_ARMOR_KING_CNT will appear. Highlight/Click on this name and then click "Import to P1" or whatever side you play on to import the moveset into Armor King during gameplay. Enjoy

The changes are shown in the video, but in case you want to get right to it, here are the changes: ff2 - Heat Engager and Heat Launcher, Simply hold forward during ff2 and it'll go straight into the animation on hit and on block. ff4 - Heat Engager and Heat Launcher, Simply hold forward during ff4 and it'll go straight into the animation on hit and on block. It's also a power crush, tornado spin, and I changed the hit reaction when it hits grounded f2,1 - Heat Engager and Heat Launcher, Simply hold forward during f2,1 and it'll go straight into the animation on hit and on block. b4|1+2 - Heat Launcher, Simply hold forward during the throw animation and it'll go straight into the dashing animation for a full launch. 2+3 - Heat Burst - Activates Armor King's heat mode! This move stops time similar to moves in Tekken 8 - Does an awesome pose meant for King's Rage art and goes into db1+2! db2,3 - New Tornado Spin - The furthest in wall carry for his tornadoes - this one is guaranteed to get you wall to wall db2,4 - New Corkscrew Street Fighter spin featured with both Asuka's ff4 and Bryan's b2,4 in air df1+2 - New Tornado Spin that spins to the right Shadow Step 2 - Now a reliable CH Launcher but it uses your Tornado Shadow Step 1 - No longer a CH Launcher, guarantees an i10 follow up d3 - now on CH guarantees a i12 Follow up ffn2 - No longer a CH launcher (unless it hits from a certain angle, similar to King's in the CNT) instead transitions into the Leg Breaker crouch throw which now floor breaks db3 - still a CH Launcher but uses your tornado! similar to King's cd1 in Tekken 8 All Crouch throws are unbreakable ff3 - Corkscrew Spins in air d3+4,1 - Corkscrew Spins in air d3+4,3 - New Tornado Spin b3 - New Tornado Spin and puts Armor King closer on hit