-Bust a Groove- Gas-O's theme for Jukebox

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-Bust a Groove- Gas-O's theme for Jukebox

This mod adds Gas-O's theme from the game Bust a Groove to the jukebox. It works really well as a Tekken fighting track! This mod includes Round 1 and Final Round variations.

  • Round 1 replaces Tekken 3 Tiger theme
  • Final Round replaces Tekken 3 Eddy console theme

Volume has been adjusted to be consistent with the volume of other tracks in the game. I recommend using these tracks on Arena Underground! :)

P.S. I am sorry for replacing Tekken 3 tracks. I did this because the modding community has still not figured out how to change the points at which songs loop in-game; which leads to modded music having awkward and poor loops. The Tekken 3 tracks in Jukebox generally run too long before you will ever hear them loop in a real match, so this is why I had to settle for replacing Tekken 3 tracks. As such, it is not recommended that you play on stages using these tracks in Practice Mode, or else you will eventually hear a really bad loop. This shouldn't be noticeable in a real match. Thank you to https://tekkenmods.com/user/12585/SirCheeseburgur for sharing this workaround.