TEKKEN 8 Bosses - Script Mod

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Uploaded at February 10, 2024 Updated at September 3, 2024 12,996 views 1,706 downloads

TEKKEN 8 Bosses - Script Mod

Play as TEKKEN 8 Bosses


  • Devil-powered Jin from Chapter 1 Battle 1
  • Nerfed Jin (one without devilish moves)
  • Chained Jin from Chapter 12 Battle 3
  • Mishima Jin from Chapter 15 Battle 2
  • Kazama Jin from Chapter 15 Battle 3
  • Awakened Jin from Chapter 15 Final Battle
  • Devil Kazuya from Chapter 6


  • Latest version of the game on steam

How to use

  • Place the .exe anywhere but make sure the file "addresses.txt" is present in the same place
  • Run the script and simply follow on-screen instructions
  • Enjoy!


  • This mod cannot be used online, will cause a desync if you try it.
  • Can work in private lobbies if both players have the mod active (but I'd rather you don't try it online, don't wanna be responsible of any sort of banning)

--- The Movelist ---

Nerfed version

  • 1, 2, 1 removed
  • d/f+2 changed to T7 version
  • d+1 followup removed
  • d+2 removed
  • NEW STRING: d/b+4,3
  • NEW STRING: CD+4, 3
  • CD+4, 2 removed
  • f,f+2 wing VFX removed
  • NEW STRING: ws+1, 3, 2, 1, 4 > 3+4
  • ws+1, 3, 2, 1, 4 > 2 removed
  • Omen Stance followups removed
  • ZEN 1, 2 last hit reverted to T7
  • ZEN 2 reverted to T7 (HE)
  • ZEN 4 changed. Has same anim as T7 f,f+4
  • NEW STRING: ZEN u+1+2. Has same anim as T7 ZEN 1+2
  • ZEN u+1 removed
  • ZEN 3+4 reaction changed
  • Rage Art changed (Unfortunately, could not be included in the mod)
  • Heat Smash changed (Unfortunately, could not be included in the mod)

Mishima-ryu Jin

  • All changes of nerfed Jin are carried over
  • NEW STRING: 1,1,2
  • NEW STRING: 1,2,2
  • NEW STRING: 2,2
  • NEW STRING: 1,2,3,4
  • NEW STRING: 1,2,4
  • NEW STRING: f+2,4
  • Old d/f+1 input changed to d/f+1+2
  • NEW STRING: d/f+1, 2 (can be cancelled into a dash by pressing f,f)
  • NEW MOVE: b+4 (PC)
  • NEW STRING: u/f+4,4,4,4 (Rising Sun)
  • NEW MOVE: CD+1 (TGF)
  • NEW STRING: CD+4,4 (Spinning Demon)
  • NEW STRING: b,f+2,1,2 (HE)
  • NEW STRING: b,f+2,1, d/f+2
  • NEW STRING: ws+1, 2
  • NEW MOVE: b+1+4
  • NEW MOVE: f,f+1+2 (Stonehead throw)

Kazama-ryu version

  • All changes of nerfed Jin are carried over
  • NEW STRING: 1, 1
  • NEW MOVE: 3
  • NEW MOVE: 4
  • NEW MOVE: 1+2 (HE)
  • NEW MOVE: 3+4
  • NEW STRING: 1+4, 2, 4
  • NEW STRING: 1+4, 2, d+4
  • NEW MOVE: d+3+4
  • NEW MOVE: f+2
  • NEW STRING: d/b+4, 4, 4, 3
  • NEW MOVE: ws+3
  • Auto followup to ZEN 1, 2
  • NEW MOVE: d/f+2+3 (throw)
  • NEW MOVE: b+1+3 (Kazama-parry)

Final round version

  • All changes of nerfed Jin are carried over
  • NEW STRING: 1,1,2
  • NEW STRING: 1,2,2
  • NEW STRING: 2,2
  • NEW STRING: 1,2,3,4
  • NEW STRING: 1,2,4
  • NEW STRING: f+2,4
  • NEW MOVE: 1+2 (HE)
  • NEW MOVE: 3+4
  • NEW STRING: 1+4, 2, 4
  • NEW STRING: 1+4, 2, d+4, 4
  • NEW STRING: 1+4, 1+2
  • Old d/f+1 input changed to d/f+1+2
  • NEW MOVE: d/f+1 automatically cancels into a dash and then into f,f+2
  • NEW MOVE: d+3+4
  • NEW MOVE: f+2
  • NEW STRING: d/b+4, 4, 4, 3
  • NEW MOVE: ws+3
  • Auto followup to ZEN 1, 2
  • NEW MOVE: d/f+2+3 (throw)
  • NEW MOVE: b+1+3 (Kazama-parry)
  • NEW MOVE: d/b+1 (can be cancelled into CD by holding d/f)
  • NEW MOVE: d/b+1 ~ d/f > 1
  • NEW MOVE: d/b+1 ~ d/f > 2
  • NEW MOVE: d/b+1 ~ d/f > d/f+4,4
  • NEW STRING: CD+1+2
  • NEW STRING: CD+4,4
  • NEW STRING: CD+4,1
  • NEW STRING: b,f+2,1,2 (HE)
  • NEW STRING: b,f+2,1, d/f+2. Last hit can be delayed to make it guard-break that gives +19
  • NEW STRING: b,f+2,3. Can be cancelled into ZEN by holding f
  • Auto followup to ZEN 1, 2
  • NEW STRING: ZEN 1, 1+2
  • Power Stance (d/b+1+2) auto goes into ZEN and gives back health
  • NEW MOVE: b+1+3. Kazama-parry
  • NEW MOVE: f,f+1+2 (Stonehead throw)

Quick showcases: - Nerfed variantNerfed variant - Mishima-ryu variantMishima-ryu variant - Kazama-ryu variantKazama-ryu variant - Final Round variantFinal Round variant

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