Karma Bloodline Rebellion version

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Uploaded at February 27, 2024 1,831 views 325 downloads

Karma Bloodline Rebellion version

Kinda weird thing I don't think a lot of people know is that the version of Karma in the jukebox is the arcade version that starts right at the climax of the song. The console version that I remember hearing on PS3 starts a lot more mellowed out and builds up to that, so I found it and put it in the game. Ironically, it can't actually replace Karma itself because the BR version is longer, but like this you can put both versions on one stage!

It replaces Forest Law (Arcade ver.) / TEKKEN 3

To install, place the pak in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Content\Paks\~mods
