Mini Top by Repinscourge for Some of the Girls

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Uploaded at March 16, 2024 Updated at March 16, 2024 22,925 views 982 downloads

Mini Top by Repinscourge for Some of the Girls


Special thanks to Repinscourge for giving me permission to port his mod, make sure you check out his linked stuff:


Replace the Henley shirt for:

  • Azucena
  • Asuka
  • Nina
  • Reina
  • Lili
  • Xiayou
  • Jun
  • Leo

The Pants and Jeans in the screenshots are not included in the mod, they are from other mods not released yet.

Skin mods used:

Notes/ Instructions

TO INSTALL THE MODS: Go to your Tekken 8 install directory (\TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Content\Paks)Take the mod you downloaded and EXTRACT THE ZIP/ Rar Place BOTH the .pak, .ucas, and .utoc files into your Paks folder



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