JoJo Music

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Uploaded at May 4, 2024 Updated at May 11, 2024 2,939 views 1,107 downloads

JoJo Music

JOTARO THEME - Your Sunset / TEKKEN TAG 2 JOYLNE THEME - Ogre / True Ogre (Console ver.) / TEKKEN 3 (CLIMAX) GIORNO THEME - Never Ending / TEKKEN 6 GIORNO THEME - Time Will Reveal / TEKKEN 8 JOSUKE THEME - Delusional Reality (Normal) / TEKKEN 8 BLOODY STREAM - Gym / TEKKEN 4 TRISH THEME - Hex / TEKKEN 4 GOLDEN WIND FINALE - King, Beast Abbe / TEKKEN 2 CHASE - Wall of Confrontation / TEKKEN TAG 2 GREAT DAYS - Gallery Parallax / TEKKEN TAG 2 OVERDRIVE - Siga / TEKKEN TAG 2 PILLAR MEN THEME - Nina Williams (Console ver.) / TEKKEN 3 SONO CHINO SADAME - Monument Valley, U.S.A. (Console ver.) / TEKKEN (Had to clip ending to fit song into file sadly) YOSHIKAGE KIRA THEME - The Big One ~Quiet Strings Mix / TEKKEN TAG 2 Put files in your ~mods, Logicmods or mods folder in TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Content\Paks