Tekken 8 Color Correction

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Uploaded at May 8, 2024 Updated at May 8, 2024 6,038 views 342 downloads

Tekken 8 Color Correction

What it does Cataract surgery for Tekken 8. Toned-down saturation, touched up highlights, and more mature coloring for photorealism. It's up to taste, some may not like it.

IMPORTANT Make sure in-game saturation is set to "5-points"

SETUP 1. Get the ReShade installer from their website (https://reshade.me/#download). 2. Run the installer and select TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Binaries\Win64\Polaris-Win64-Shipping.exe as the target and select DirectX12. 3. Uncheck all shaders, don't install shaders, instead, just copy the reshade-shaders in TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Binaries\Win64\ 4. The preset file tekken8_colors.ini can be put in any directory. Though, I recommend you put it in the same directory as Tekken8's executable. 5. Start the game, you should see the reshade overlay. Press HOME key to bring up the Reshade overlay/Menu. Search for the preset file and apply it. Enjoy!

UNINSTALL To uninstall, simply delete the dxgi.dll file in the TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Binaries\Win64\ directory.




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