"PSO2 EPISODE 6" Select Music Tracks for Tekken 8

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Uploaded at June 8, 2024 Updated at June 8, 2024 1,114 views 458 downloads

"PSO2 EPISODE 6" Select Music Tracks for Tekken 8

Alisa always gave me PSO2 vibes more so than ever, plus there are tons of incredible tracks in PSO2 so this idea was on my mind for some time. Fits the T8 stage "Into the Stratosphere" pretty well

Adds a few different tracks from "Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 6"

Episode 6 had some pretty intense tracks. Headphones users listening to the track on YT be careful of the volume, don't make the same mistake I did lol. Volume's fine in game.

Spent a long time getting the looping the best I possibly could without reusing the same jukebox tracks. Pretty happy with most of the looping except for Sector 3, I plan to reupload that one if I can fix it

"PSO2 Rebellion to Luminmechs - Sector 2-1" - Replaces "Gym / TEKKEN 4" PSO2 Rebellion to Luminmechs - Sector 2-1PSO2 Rebellion to Luminmechs - Sector 2-1

"PSO2 Rebellion to Luminmechs - Sector 2-2" - Replaces "Lei Wolong (Console Ver.) / TEKKEN 3" PSO2 Rebellion to Luminmechs - Sector 2-2PSO2 Rebellion to Luminmechs - Sector 2-2

"PSO2 Dive into Constellated Sea - Sector 3" - Replaces "Gunjack (Console Ver.) / TEKKEN 3" PSO2 Dive into Constellated Sea - Sector 3PSO2 Dive into Constellated Sea - Sector 3

"PSO2 The Devotion God [Veruna]" - Replaces "Hiten / TEKKEN 5" PSO2 The Devotion GodPSO2 The Devotion God

"PSO2 Vacuity [Shiva]" - Replaces "True Ogre (Console Ver.) / TEKKEN 3" Phantasy Star Online 2 OST - VacuityPhantasy Star Online 2 OST - Vacuity

"PSO2 Divide Quests - vs. Grave Exegul" - Replaces "Your Sunset / TEKKEN TAG 2" PSO2 Divide Quests - Area 5 - vs. Grave ExegulPSO2 Divide Quests - Area 5 - vs. Grave Exegul Divide quest theme for "vs. Grave Exegul" starts at around the 7 min mark

This one is intense so headphone users beware if you are taking a listen "PSO2 Prismatic Insanity" - Replaces "Baile de Batalla / TEKKEN TAG 2" PSO2 Prismatic InsanityPSO2 Prismatic Insanity

If your mod folder is named "LogicMods" then simply place the mod in your "TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Content\Paks\LogicMods" If your mod folder is named "~mods" then you will need to rename the file removing the "_P" from the mod first before moving to "~mods"

(Due to specific reasons outside of modding, I sort of lost focus until recently, fixed quite a few unfinished mods that are ready now, should be up asap)