TEKKEN 2 Sounds + Announcer

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Uploaded at March 13, 2021 Updated at December 23, 2021 8,212 views 1,666 downloads

TEKKEN 2 Sounds + Announcer

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UPDATE: added lidia, added loading screen sounds, hit sounds no longer have a delay and sound normal (was very noticable on counter hits)

Restores Tekken 2's fabulous soundscape, with some rather-ridiculous spliced character callouts. Revamps the UI sounds, the announcer, and battle sounds.

If you just want the announcer without the dumb stuff you should download this insteaddownload this instead

Installation: Drop the .pak at [path to steam]\steamapps\common\TEKKEN 7\TekkenGame\Content\Paks\~mods (filename must end with "_P")