this one is free and this one is on me because this one was just a warm-up and because I also forgot to continue the patterns on her apron or whatever that is. anyway I can't make any promises that the next 4 mods are gonna be free LMFAO also she is suffering from スパゲッティアーム症候群 so enjoy that but you don't really use these mods for gameplay anyway. please stop sending me ryona vids to my inbox, I really don't want to know what you're doing with these mods that's between you and god and not between you, me and god. do you send videos of yourself smoking weed to your drug dealer? didn't think so
Additional Information
Colorable: what's that?
Category: Full Body
Characters: Alisa
Extra notes: Replaces TK8 Style (Alternate A)
, hair not included