Remove Sweat and Dirt

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Uploaded at September 23, 2024 Updated at September 24, 2024 1,940 views 136 downloads

Remove Sweat and Dirt

Remove Sweat and Dirt for all Characters


  • Download UE4SS from Github
  • Extract UE4SS contents into Polaris\Binaries\Win64
  • Extract contents of this file Polaris\Binaries\Win64\Mods
  • Open UE4SS-settings.ini in Polaris\Binaries\Win64\
  • set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false and GuiConsoleEnabled to 0
  • Set values in Polaris\Binaries\Win64\Mods\remixRemoveSweatDirt\scripts\config.lua as needed
  • Setting any of the values to -1.00 means that they won't be changed and the default values will be used.
  • For no sweat or dirt set IsEnableSweatDirtPlayer1 and IsEnableSweatDirtPlayer2 to 0 respectively
  • Add remixRemoveSweatDirt : 1 to Polaris\Binaries\Win64\Mods\mods.txt to enable the mod
  • Done!
  • You have to restart to see any changes

So for No sweat or dirt for player 1 I'd go to Polaris\Binaries\Win64\Mods\remixRemoveSweatDirt\scripts\config.lua which should look like and change IsEnableSweatDirtPlayer1 to 0, not 0.00 but 0 Save the file

It's written in LUA, so the source code is avaliable. Its easier to read than my other mods and making changes to it should be really easy, especially adding other properties in BP_Character_[SomeCharacterAbrrevationHere]_C to change, if you have any questions ask me here or on discord.

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