Tekken 7 Texture Editor (

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Uploaded at March 26, 2021 Updated at March 26, 2021 9,587 views 1,703 downloads

Tekken 7 Texture Editor (


The new texture editor was built from scratch using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) for the UI and DirectXTK .NET for showing/importing/exporting textures.

The editor supports different formats that weren’t supported with the toolkit texture tool like: BC5 and B8G8R8A8. Support for FloatRGBA will come soon.

Requirements (필요한 준비물)

Troubleshooting (에러 발생시)

The application shows an error message that says “The application could not load dll references.”

You need to unblock the following files: “DirectXTexNetFramework.dll”, “DirectXTexNetImpl.dll”, “Tekken7TextureEditor.exe” and “UETK7.dll” by righting click on them, clicking “Properties” and checking the unblock checkbox.

“The application could not load dll references.” 에러가 발생시 아래의 파일목록 각각 프로그램을 우클릭 – 속성 -> 차단 해제 체크박스를 체크상태로 해주세요. “DirectXTexNetFramework.dll” “DirectXTexNetImpl.dll” “Tekken7TextureEditor.exe” “UETK7.dll”

The tool shows a DirectX error when I try to load a texture.

Please refer to the “Requirements” section.

텍스처 로딩중 DirectX 에러 발생시 Requirements 탭을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다.

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