Rose from Street Fighter V. Mod for Jun.
Installation and Usage:
Create a subfolder named 'rose_sfv_mod' (or whatever you want to name it) into your Mod (not ~mods) folder
Copy all the files (.pak/.ucas/.utoc) from '1-Mod Base' folder to that folder Go to the '2-Mod Enabler' folder and choose one of the two options (A or B) to copy the (.pak/.ucas/.utoc) files to the same folder.
A-Customization Items: replaces one of the full head items (G-Corp Soldier Helmet) and one of the full body items (TK7 Style). NOTE: face overlapping when equipping the full body item with default character face. B-Character Presets: replaces Preset 4.
P.S.: Mod is not colorable
If you make a video using this mod, let me know.
Rose (C) Capcom