TEKKEN 4 Inspired: Lee Chaolan / Violet

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TEKKEN 4 Inspired: Lee Chaolan / Violet

Disclaimer: Violet's glitter shirt replaces Shaheen's stubble beard.

Lee's / Violet's 1P costume from the fourth TEKKEN tournament. You need to select the following items for Lee:

• Head: 'Onimask' - Glitter shirt (colorable). • Upper Clothes: 'Dougi' - Gloves and neck mesh. • Lower Clothes: 'Regular Style' - Legacy pants (colorable).

And the following items for Violet:

• Hair: 'Violet' style - Purple hair. • Glasses: 'Violet' style - Violet's suglasses. • Upper Clothes: 'Dougi' - Gloves and neck mesh. • Lower Clothes: 'Regular Style' - Legacy pants (colorable). • Upper Acc: 'Clock' - Glitter shirt.