Cow Bikini for Alisa

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Uploaded at March 31, 2023 5,162 views 1,071 downloads

Cow Bikini for Alisa

The description given by the original modder who wishes to remain anonymous: Hi, I'm the adversary mentioned in the Sugar Perfume for Xiaoyu mod and I finally finished drag and dropping all the 3,000 material slots that my XNALara port had!!! Now let me tell you something, you may win the bet but I will win peoples heart with my high-effort, high-quality mods unlike your poor 5 minute transfer weight mods.

You can't make mods nowhere near as nice as me, so let me drop you a little something. I present to you: THE TEN CRACK COMMMANNDMENTS OF TEKKEN MODDING 1. NEVER LET ANYONE KNOW HOW MANY MODS YOU HAVE 2. NEVER LET ANYONE KNOW YOUR NEXT MOD 3. NEVER TRUST ANYONE 4. NEVER USE WHAT YOU MAKE 5. NEVER SELL MODS 6. NEVER UPLOAD QUESTIONABLE NSFW MODS UNDER YOUR REAL ACCOUNT 7. KEEP YOUR FAMILY AND BUSINESS COMPLETELY SEPARATED 8. NEVER KEEP ANY MODS ON YOU 9. IF YOU AREN'T BEING SUSPECTED FOR MODDING TEKKEN, STAY AWAY FROM DENNIS (unless you need help with modding, big shoutouts to the Alisa modding community for helping me which only consists of two people: Dennis and rustbucket) 10. NSFW consignment is for everyone

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Requires TKDataPatcher BETA 7.1 or higherTKDataPatcher BETA 7.1 or higher Colorable: No Category: Full Body
