Hello, i was skeptical about putting this one out but i think some of ya'll will enjoy it
If you seen The Boondocks show before then you will know where I'm going with Leroy DO NOT download the Leroy mod if you are sensitive person. I don't show much in the video
**The Jin mod is based on Leon from RE ** Jin Leon & Kazuya Deebo have their own EWGF sounds ** Fixed this weird "OPT" sound heard in Kazuya Rage Art when he knock you down. Also added Loud Nigra **If you are using a EWGF mods from my Kazuya Random SFX Project it may make these specific ones sound strange because the of the sounds merging **Jack has 4 different slight variations to the end of his Rage Art. They are in order to how they are shown in the video **The volume on Leroy mod is bit lower than Jin and Kazuya **Changed the end of Leo Rage Art **Didn't change Jin Intros or Outros only moveset **Changed a few of Leroy Intro and Outros, missing a few moveset sounds
Jin Awakening SFX (Starts 1:39) You're already dead Geass Mangekyou Sharingan Third Strike Super (not in video) Vegeta Theme Heat Haze Shadow My Last Stand My Last Stand (not in video)
Jack Rage Art Numbered from the video, add whichever one you want
Counter MVC2
Heat Engage and Finish FFX
Kazuya EWGF SFX https://tekkenmods.com/mod/4266/kazuya-random-sfx-project Extra one here for Base Kazuya that wasn't my cup of tea (Not in video)
Leo Rage Art https://tekkenmods.com/mod/4401/random-sfx-project-5
Perfect Need some milk
**Jin has this funny scream from RE4 that can be heard kinda often when he gets hurt. You can add it in or leave it out according to your preference
**Leroy mod is for people who play Leroy an would like him toxic
I always wanted Matthew Mercer to voice Jin in some adaption but this is the closest i can get to that I love Leroy but i seen a vision lol
Once again this is all in the spirit of fun and entertainment to keep the game alive and fresh.
Unzip an put files in your ~mods, Logicmods or mods folder in TEKKEN 8\Polaris\Content\Paks