An open sourced mod manager inspired by CCDTreborn's 8 Mod On / Off Switch (Version 2) to enable/disable your mods with a switch.
Source code:
Any feedback, bugs or issues, please post in the comment section. Thank you. :)
Latest Updates
16th January 2025
- Added a coloured bullet point next to each mod indicting the working status of the mod.
- Green = Working, Red = Broken, Blue = Work in progress
- To set the value open the details panel for your mod of choose by click the mod icon on the left-hand side, click edit information in the panel and next to the header "Status" pick from the drop-down menu.
- Added "Status" in the sort by drop-down menu.
- Fixed treeview mode not displaying correctly from added new code.
- Added Yellow = "Partially Working" and changed Blue = "Work in progress" to "Update in progress"
- Fixed error when pressing the refresh button while sort by status is selected crashing the program.
Important - If you are using the python script method then please delete your current assets folder and replace with the new one in the zip folder.
J15 Tekken 8: Update 1.11.00 Broken mods List -
1st January 2025
- Added Noto-Sans Arabic font
- If you are using the python script method then please delete your current assets folder and replace with the new one in the zip folder.
December 19th 2024
- Can now view mods in your current selected preset by clicking on the button "View Preset". Revert to normal by clicking the button "Back"
- If you are using the python script method then please delete your current assets folder and replace with the new one in the zip folder.
December 4th 2024
- Removed left over "Show Thumbnail" variable from the code causing errors on opening the program.
December 1st 2024
- Added a sort by dropdown button in list view mode to sort mods by name or date.
Can change language of UI only in the configuration window under options. Only English and Korean is currently available. Any mistakes, please let me know.
Please delete your current tekkemmodmanager8.ini. Previous tekkemmodmanager8.ini will not work properly.
- If you are using the python script method then please delete your current assets folder and replace with the new one in the zip folder.
Any problems please post in the comment section. Thank you. :)
Changelog History:
How It Works
The program searches for folders/subfolders inside "Steam\steamapps\common\Tekken 8\Polaris\Content\Paks" that have .pak files inside on them and then lists them inside the program to then be able to switch them on/off.
The program adds or removes "-x" at the end of each file (.utoc, .ucas, .pak) to enabled/disabled.
- Enabled = Filenames not ending with "-x"
- Disabled = Filenames ending with "-x"
Please read the mod creators instruction on how to install there mod. The mod need to have its own separate folder. By doing this you can turn on/off mods separately.
The program adds or removes "-x" at the end of each file (.utoc, .ucas, .pak) to enabled/disabled.
- Enabled = Filenames not ending with "-x"
- Disabled = Filenames ending with "-x"
#### Option 1: Run from executable. (Windows Only)
Unzip the exe file from the zip file. You will most likely get a virus warning which will then quarantine the file. Any virus warning you may have are false positives. You can also run from script shown in option 2 in this section if this still becomes a problem for you.
Place the executable in "Steam\steamapps\common\Tekken 8" and run.
Note: The Windows executable was compiled using pyinstaller.
pyinstaller tekken8modmanager.spec
Option 2: Run from script (Windows / Linux)
Windows - Install Python 3.11.9:
Linux - Open Terminal / Windows - Open Windows command prompt
Install required packages using these commands:
- pip install pip - pip install glfw=2.7.0 - pip install numpy=1.26.4 - pip install PyOpenGL=3.1.7 - pip install PyOpenGL_accelerate - pip install imgui=2.0.0 - pip install pillow=10.3.0
Place the "" script and "assets" folder inside "Steam\steamapps\common\Tekken 8".
Windows - Right click file to open the context menu and open with Python.
Linux - Open the python terminal and type "python3". Drag and drop the script onto the terminal and press enter.
python3 path_to_script
## Known Issues
## To do
- Fix program manual.
## FAQ
Q = Am I making any videos showcasing the mod manager ?
- A =
- A =
Q = Can you create mods with this program ?
- A = No. This programs purpose is to help organise your mod collection.
CCDTreborn's Tekken 8 Mod On / Off Switch (Version 2) :
TARGET FONT BY Iconian Fonts :