Understanding the Game Files

Breaking down file names

The files in Tekken 7 contain letters that describe it's type. For example: T_CH_kaz_bdu_1P_wind_coat_D

Let's break down the file name.

T - This prefix stands for Texture

CH - This indicates that it's a file relates to a character

kaz - Indicates that this is Kazuya's texture

1P_wind_coat - The item this file is related to

D - In the context of a texture file, this indicates that this is the diffuse texture map.

Not every asset may follow the same naming scheme and it varies between asset types, whether it's for a character or a stage, a blueprint, etc.

Let's break down a few more asset file names:


T7 - Stands for TEKKEN 7

MI - MI means that the asset file is a Material Instace

s8BuildingNearAConc - The item this file is related to, s8 indicates that it's for stage 8 - Mishima Building Elevator.


M - This prefix stands for Material

CH - This incidates that it's a file relates to a character

Base - In the context of the file, this is the base clothing material file for characters.


M - This prefix stands for Material

CH - This incidates that it's a file relates to a character

Aniso - Stands for Anisotropic. In the context of this file, this is a material that is anisotropic.

mask - Indicates that the material is of a mask type, which means that it contains transparency

HueShift - An additional suffix that indicates that this material contains a hue shift that interpolates between different colors.

File Locations

Character assets: TekkenGame\Content\Characters

Stages: TekkenGame\Content\Maps

Stage assets: TekkenGame\Content\Stage

UI assets: TekkenGame\Content\UI_common

Sound assets: TekkenGame\Content\WwiseAudio