Part 2 - Compiling the TekkenGameNative Project

Once you've set up and compiled Unreal Engine 4, you are ready to compile the TekkenGameNative project.

Clone the TekkenGameNative repository by running the command:

~ git clone

Make sure you're not cloning into the Unreal Engine 4 directory.

Enter the TekkenGameNative directory:

~ cd TekkenGameNative

Since we can't generate the project files from the Unreal Editor itself, we will have to do it via the GenerateProjectFiles script in Unreal Engine 4's directory.

~/TekkenGameNative bash /path/to/ue4/ -project="TekkenGame.uproject" -game

Once the script is done generating the project files, run the following:

~/TekkenGameNative make TekkenGameEditor

This will compile the TekkenGameNative project.


I get compiling errors

If you get a dialog box that says "To open this project you must first install an IDE." when trying to open a project then install clang on the machine you're trying to open UE4 from.

~ sudo apt install clang