Normal Maps

This documentation provides an overview of normal maps in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) and their usage within the context of Tekken 7 modding. It explains the specific considerations and techniques required to correctly apply normal maps to characters and stage materials in Tekken 7.

Standard Normal Maps

In most cases, standard normal maps in UE4 are defined as Normalmap (DXT5, BC5 on DX11), which utilizes the DXT5 or BC5 compression formats on DX11. These normal maps accurately represent surface details and are commonly used in materials such as those found in stage environments.

Character Materials in Tekken 7

When dealing with character materials in Tekken 7, a different approach is required. The character materials in Tekken 7 utilize the alpha channel of the normal map texture as the roughness parameter. Therefore, the Normalmap (DXT5, BC5 on DX11) format cannot be used directly, as it may lead to unintended visual artifacts.

Tekken 7 character materials require the use of DXT5 format with the sRGB option turned off. It is crucial to disable sRGB to avoid undesired visual effects, such as a red glow during character rage or a blue glow when performing a rage drive.

Stage Materials in Tekken 7

Normal map textures for stage materials can use the Normalmap (DXT5, BC5 on DX11) compression format since stage materials don't do anything special with the normal map other than it's intended purpose.